March 27, 2008

Racist or Harmless?

I have gotten in the habit of listening to a lot of sports radio while driving. Like so many of my fellow iPod-ophiles, I suddenly found myself carrying an expensive paperweight with ear-plugs when after four years of blissful love, my iPod battery retired. I was left scrambling for an alternative form of audio intimacy during my drives to and from client meetings, and sports radio filled in the void quite nicely (especially during my beloved NY Giants run through the Playoffs & Superbowl). I eventually got a new battery for the iPod, but I know better than to put all my trust and devotion into it again, so it has to share my affection with sports radio.

Today, I heard an interesting story regarding the recent Vogue magazine cover that features LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen. Apparently, there is some mounting criticism suggesting the cover presents some racist undertones. The assertion is that the photo has a King Kong theme, with LeBron being the savage primate, and Gisele the white damsel in distress. There are a multitude of incidents nationwide that illustrate the very real resentment and hostility that exists between races in America. This is not one of them.

This is the era of Political Correctness, but there is a big difference between correctness, anal-retentiveness, and the far more extreme brand of ignorance, Political Absurdity. In just three and half years as a pro, LeBron has established himself as one of the top 2 or 3 offensive threats in the league. Despite his size, he has the speed and agility to pass almost any defender, and because of his size, he has the strength and bulk to impose his will around the rim. At just 23 years old, he stands an impressive
6'8", 250lbs. Comparatively, NFL stud linebacker, DeMarcus Ware, who was 3rd in the league in sacks last season with 14, is 6'4", 252lbs. I don't care who you are talking to, black, white, or paisley - LeBron IS a beast!

If people want to create some controversy here, I guess the better question to ask is: Why Gisele? Trouble with Tom Terrific? Is he in some kind of post-Superbowl-loss funk that has left him emotionally unavailable to her? Tough break, Tom, there's always next year. Go Blue


I am becoming again. For many years, I just was, but something has awakened that metamorphosis again. I was hibernating in the midst of Life, waiting out the days of an endless winter. This was a fate of my own making. No oppressor, no corporate machine treading on my independence, just my own apathy and discontent slowly molding into a dull rubbery glaze. That was then.

Growth is the definition and essence of life. Like blades of grass pushing through cracks in cement, life has a way of asserting itself. I don't know what provokes it, why it abruptly rises from the crowd of time and demands recognition. I suspect there is purpose in it. For these moments of enlightenment seem far too measured to be left to chance. The cup from which we drink, and the substance therein, seem a divine treasure meant for us alone. Yet, I am again so new in understanding. I am just now becoming.

For what it's worth, I am comforted by the belief that my slumber was not too delayed. That I did not sleep through more of the tender passing of seasons than I was meant to. I am the hidden seed. Though I have laid
dormant in a field of dry soil, I still am. Light and provision has brought forth my time of harvest, and I am again becoming.


March 26, 2008

All for you

I’m really giddy about the potential of this newfound maturity I’ve been nurturing, and have decided to share a few more anecdotal tales from my life. I’ll admit, part of it is ego - I mean who wouldn’t want access to the daily journal of my existence, but there’s more to it than that. This is good stuff, and I’m betting there will be a few nuggets of wisdom for you, the reader, to benefit from. And if not - humor me.

originally posted on FaceBook - February 2, 2008


I’ll be turning 32 in a few months, and I feel like I am just starting to understand my life. For some reason I thought this would happen a lot sooner, but I’ll take it when I can get it. It’s all starting to make sense. I tend to have a more honest response to the what, why, and how questions of life, and sometimes the answer is simply: ‘I was wrong’.

originally posted on Facebook - January 28, 2008